2021 Michigan Dry Bean Research Report

2021 Michigan Dry Bean Research Report

Tractor Harvesting Beans

2021 Michigan Dry Bean Research Report

The 2021 Dry Bean Research Report is now available! This
publication includes research from all Michigan Bean Commission funded projects
in the 2021 growing season. This research is also supported by funding from the
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Specialty Crop Block

This 2021 Report also includes bonus information on dry bean
canning quality! Plot samples were canned at Michigan State University’s Food
Processing and Innovation Center (FPIC). 

As always we would like to thank all grower cooperators
involved in this report, without them this research would not be possible!

To receive a hard copy of this report please see our booth at Bean and Beet Symposium on February 22, 2022 in Bay City!

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